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Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Open Science Forum

A public venue to enable NIH-funded AViDD Centers to openly exchange and disseminate information in a pre-competitive fashion.

The Open Science Forum features monthly talks from scientists from NIH-funded Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Centers who elect to provide updates on target priorities, advertise available resources and reagents, disclose chemical matter (such as hits, leads, and chemical tool compounds) and associated antiviral data, share findings regarding in vivo efficacy models, discuss downstream development and translation models, and share ideas.

Talks will be public, recorded, and shared online along with links to relevant resources and reagents for the benefit of other AViDD Centers and the global antiviral drug discovery community.

An unrecorded discussion with the speakers follows each pair of talks for those that wish to discuss the science behind the work more deeply.

NOTE: The AViDD Open Science Forum is not an official NIAID activity. There is no requirement for staff from AViDD Centers or the NIH to participate in this forum.

Event format

Each monthly Open Science Forum event will be a one-hour webinar featuring two short scientific talks followed by an optional 30-minute moderated discussion with the speakers:

Science talks (recorded, webinar format)

Moderated discussion with speakers (unrecorded, Zoom meeting format)

Each recorded talk will be posted online after the event, along with relevant links to publications, data, reagents, or other resources discussed by the speaker that may be useful in disseminating resources or reagents for global antiviral discovery.

Mailing list

To receive invitations to events and other news items, sign up for the Antiviral Drug Discovery (AViDD) Open Science Forum mailing list.


The Open Science Forum will hold virtual events the third Wednesday of every month:

Wed 16 October 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2) [Register Here]
Moderator: Alpha Lee (PostEra)

Wed 13 November 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2) [Register Here]
Moderator: Peter Sjö (DNDi)

Wed 18 December 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2) [Register Here]
Moderator: John Chodera (MSKCC)

Wed 15 January 2025: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2) [Register Here]
Moderator: Karla Kirkegaard (Stanford University)

Past Presentations

All talk videos are archived on Youtube and slides are archived at Zenodo.

Wed 18 September 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Frank von Delft (Diamond Light Source)

Wed 21 August 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Karla Kirkegaard (Stanford University)

Wed 17 July 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: John Chodera (MSKCC)

Wed 19 June 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Peter Sjö (DNDi)

Wed 15 May 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Frank von Delft (Diamond Light Source)

Wed 17 April 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Alpha Lee (PostEra)

Wed 20 March 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 3.00P UK (GMT+1) / 4.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Karla Kirkegaard (Stanford University)

Wed 21 February 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Peter Sjö (DNDi)

Wed 17 January 2024: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Frank von Delft (Diamond Light Source)

Wed 20 December 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: John Chodera (MSKCC)

Wed 15 November 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: John Chodera (MSKCC)

Wed 18 October 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Peter Sjö (DNDi)

Wed 20 September 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Frank von Delft (Diamond Light Source)

Wed 16 August 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Peter Sjö (DNDi)

Wed 19 July 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: John Chodera (MSKCC)

Wed 21 June 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)

Moderator: Frank von Delft(Diamond Light Source)(ASAP)

Wed 17 May 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)

Moderator: Alpha Lee (PostEra)

Wed 19 April 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: John Chodera (MSKCC)

Wed 15 Mar 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 3.00P UK (GMT+1) / 4.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Peter Sjö (DNDi)

Wed 15 Feb 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: John Chodera (MSKCC)

Wed 18 Jan 2023: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Alpha Lee (PostEra)

Wed 21 Dec 2022: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Peter Sjö (DNDi)

Wed 16 Nov 2022: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2)
Moderator: Alpha Lee (PostEra)

Wed 19 Oct 2022: 8.00A PT / 11.00A ET / 4.00P UK (GMT+1) / 5.00P Geneva (GMT+2) [Recording]
Moderator: John Chodera (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center)

Antiviral Discovery Resources

Antiviral discovery resources will be indexed here.